Graduate Student — MSc

To check out my current and past work, go to my personal website at
My research interests deal with human-computer interaction, specifically multi-touch and spatial interaction, and information visualization. I completed a master’s degree and a bachelor’s degree in computer science at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT). During this time, I spent over four years as a member of the Visualization for Information Analysis lab (vialab) under the supervision of Dr. Christopher Collins.
You can find my contact information by going to my website.
E. Paluka and C. Collins, “TandemTable: Supporting Conversations and Language Learning Using a Multi-Touch Digital Table,” in Proceedings of the 2015 Graphics Interface Conference (GI ’15), 2015, pp. 139-146.
author = {Erik Paluka and Christopher Collins},
title = {TandemTable: Supporting Conversations and Language Learning Using a Multi-Touch Digital Table},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2015 Graphics Interface Conference (GI ’15)},
series = {GI ’15},
year = {2015},
publisher = {ACM},
pages = {139–146}
} -
K. Sikes, Z. Cook, E. Paluka, M. Hancock, and C. Collins, “The Simple Multi-Touch Toolkit,” in SurfNet: Designing Digital Surface Applications, F. Maurer, Ed., Calgary: NSERC SurfNet, 2016, pp. 256-273.
author = {Kalev Sikes and Zachary Cook and Erik Paluka and Mark Hancock and Christopher Collins},
title = {The Simple Multi-Touch Toolkit},
editor = {Frank Maurer},
booktitle = {SurfNet: Designing Digital Surface Applications},
publisher = {NSERC SurfNet},
address = {Calgary},
year = 2016,
pages = {256–273}
} -
R. Veras, E. Paluka, M. Chang, V. Tsang, F. Shein, and C. Collins, “Interaction for Reading Comprehension on Mobile Devices,” in Proc. of the 16th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services (MobileHCI ’14), 2014, pp. 157-161.
author = {Rafael Veras and Erik Paluka and Meng-Wei Chang and Vivian Tsang and Fraser Shein and Christopher Collins},
title = {Interaction for Reading Comprehension on Mobile Devices},
booktitle = {Proc. of the 16th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services (MobileHCI ’14)},
series = {MobileHCI ’14},
year = {2014},
isbn = {978-1-4503-3004-6},
location = {Toronto, ON, Canada},
pages = {157 — 161},
numpages = {5},
doi = {10.1145/2628363.2628387},
acmid = {2628387},
publisher = {ACM},
} -
E. Paluka and C. Collins, “Augmenting tandem language learning with the TandemTable,” Proceedings of the 2013 ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces (Poster Session), 2013.
author = {Erik Paluka and Christopher Collins},
title = {Augmenting tandem language learning with the TandemTable},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2013 ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces (Poster Session)},
series = {ITS ’13},
year = 2013,
isbn = {978-1-4503-2271-3},
location = {St. Andrews, Scotland, United Kingdom},
pages = {437 — 440},
numpages = {4},
doi = {10.1145/2512349.2514922},
acmid = {2514922},
publisher = {ACM},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
keywords = {collaboration, digital tabletop, education, interactive, multi-touch, tandem language learning},
venue = {in Proc. of ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces (Poster Session)},
} -
E. Paluka, “Learning In Tandem: Augmenting Tandem Language Learning With Technology,” UOIT Student Research Showcase, 2012.
author = {Erik Paluka},
title = {Learning In Tandem: Augmenting Tandem Language Learning With Technology},
booktitle = {UOIT Student Research Showcase},
year = 2012
} -
E. Paluka, “Simple Multi-Touch: A framework for teaching multi-touch computing,” UOIT Student Research Showcase, 2011.
author = {Erik Paluka},
title = {Simple Multi-Touch: A framework for teaching multi-touch computing},
booktitle = {UOIT Student Research Showcase},
year = 2011
} -
E. Paluka, “Enhancing Tandem Language Learning Using an Interactive Tabletop,” Bachelors Thesis, 2012.
author = {Erik Paluka},
title = {Enhancing Tandem Language Learning Using an Interactive Tabletop},
school = {University of Ontario Institute of Technology},
year = 2012
} -
E. Paluka, “Spatial Peripheral Interaction Techniques for Viewing and Manipulating Off-Screen Digital Content,” Master Thesis, 2015.
author = {Erik Paluka},
title = {Spatial Peripheral Interaction Techniques for Viewing and Manipulating Off-Screen Digital Content},
school = {University of Ontario Institute of Technology},
year = 2015
} -
E. Paluka and C. Collins, “SpatialVis: Visualization of Spatial Gesture Interaction Logs,” in Logging Interactive Visualizations & Visualizing Interaction Logs, 2016.
author = {Erik Paluka and Christopher Collins},
title = {SpatialVis: Visualization of Spatial Gesture Interaction Logs},
booktitle = {Logging Interactive Visualizations & Visualizing Interaction Logs},
year = 2016,
eventdate = {2016-10-23}
vialab Team
Adeliz Keith
Graduate Student – MSC
Alexie Linardatos
Benedict Leung
Undergraduate Student
Christopher Collins
Associate Professor, Lab Director
Tania Shimabukuro
Graduate Student – MSC
Mennatallah El-Assady
Graduate Student – PhD
Mariana Shimabukuro
Graduate Student – PhD
Zixin Zhao
Graduate Student – MSC
Mohammed Ahmed
Graduate Student – MSC
Matthew Chan
Graduate Student – MSC
vialab Alumni
Adam Bradley
Research Associate
Akshay Manchanda
Undergraduate Student
Brittany Kondo
Graduate Student — MSc
Daniel Earley
Undergraduate Student
Erik Paluka
Graduate Student — MSc
Gabrielle Perez Dias
Graduate Student — MSc
Jessica Zipf
Graduate Student — PhD
Jonathan Perry
Undergraduate Student
Kalev Kalda Sikes
Intern and Undergraduate Student
Mario Velazquez
Undergraduate Student, Lab Coordinator
Meng-Wei (Daniel) Chang
Graduate Student — MSc
Michael Lombardo
Undergraduate Student
Mona Hosseinkhani Loorak
Graduate Student — PhD
Pablo Valenzuela
Graduate Student – MSC
Prateek Panwar
Graduate Student – MSc
Rafael Veras
Graduate Student — PhD
Rhys Agombar
Undergraduate Student
Riley Weagant
Graduate Student – MSC
Santiago Bonada
Undergraduate Student
Stephen McIntyre
Graduate Student — MSc
Taurean Scantlebury
Senior Honours Undergraduate Student
Taylor Smith
Undergraduate Student
Thao Truong
Undergraduate Student
Tommaso Elli
Graduate Student — PhD
Vital Golub
Undergraduate Student
Zachary Cook
SurfNet Intern/Undergraduate Student
Zachary Hills
Software Developer
Chris Kim
Graduate Student – PHD
Hrim Mehta
Graduate Student – PhD
Feiyang Wang
Graduate Student – MSC
Kevin Desousa
Graduate Student
Shawn Yama
Undergraduate Student
Nathan Beals
Undergraduate Student
Deval Panchal
Undergraduate Student
Anthony Kouroupis
Undergraduate Student
Ethan Duggan
Lab Coordinator, Undergraduate