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Santiago Bonada

Undergraduate Student

I am currently completing a Bachelor of Science in Computing Science at the University of Ontario  Institute of Technology. My interests are in computer graphics, computer vision, high-performance computing, and machine learning.

My work in the lab revolves around the use of head-mounted eye trackers in order to investigate alternative gaze-based methods for user input in the context of shared displays.

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  • S. Bonada, R. Veras, and C. Collins, “Personalized Views for Immersive Analytics,” in Proc. of the ACM ISS Workshop on Immersive Analytics, 2016.


    author = {Santiago Bonada and Rafael Veras and Christopher Collins},
    title = {Personalized Views for Immersive Analytics},
    booktitle = {Proc. of the ACM ISS Workshop on Immersive Analytics},
    series = {ISS},
    year = {2016},
    publisher = {ACM},
    doi = {10.1145/3009939.3009953}

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