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Taurean Scantlebury

Senior Honours Undergraduate Student

I completed my Bachelor of Science degree in the Computing Science Digital Forensics Specialization program at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT) in April 2014.  My research interest lies within forensic linguistics, with a main focus on writeprint analysis.

For my honours project I worked on SentimentState, a web-based visualization tool that creates an interactive timeline graph of a user’s Twitter based on the sentiment used in their words.

The NRC Emotion Lexicon that was used in this project was developed and provided by Saif Mohammed.

I can be contacted at

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  • T. Scantlebury, “SentimentState: Exploring Sentiment Analysis on Twitter,” Bachelors Thesis, 2014.


    author = {Taurean Scantlebury},
    title = {SentimentState: Exploring Sentiment Analysis on Twitter},
    school = {University of Ontario Institute of Technology},
    year = 2014,

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