Graduate Student — PhD

I’m a Ph.D. student in linguistics at the University of Konstanz, Germany. In my Ph.D. project, I develop a Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) tool for Italian. For that, I am implementing a Grammar of Italian, using the framework of Lexical-Functional Grammar (LFG), that integrates a Finite-State Lexicon. Currently, I am working on a conjugation trainer for Italian verb morphology using said Finite-State transducer to create a large verb database. This project is a joint effort with Mariana Shimabukuro under the supervision of Christopher Collins and part of a research visit here at Ontario Tech.
Apart from Grammar Engineering and CALL, I am also interested in theoretical issues of Italian. These include second and/or foreign language learning, question formation and the interaction between the structure of questions and their information structural content.
If you would like to contact me, please email me at
M. Shimabukuro, J. Zipf, M. El-Assady, and C. Collins, “H-Matrix: Hierarchical Matrix for Visual Analysis of Cross-Linguistic Features in Large Learner Corpora,” in Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Information Visualization (short papers), 2019.
author = {Mariana Shimabukuro and Jessica Zipf and Mennatallah El-Assady and Christopher Collins},
title = {H-Matrix: Hierarchical Matrix for Visual Analysis of Cross-Linguistic Features in Large Learner Corpora},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Information Visualization (short papers)},
year = 2019
vialab Team
Adeliz Keith
Graduate Student – MSC
Alexie Linardatos
Benedict Leung
Undergraduate Student
Christopher Collins
Associate Professor, Lab Director
Tania Shimabukuro
Graduate Student – MSC
Mennatallah El-Assady
Graduate Student – PhD
Mariana Shimabukuro
Graduate Student – PhD
Zixin Zhao
Graduate Student – MSC
Mohammed Ahmed
Graduate Student – MSC
Matthew Chan
Graduate Student – MSC
vialab Alumni
Adam Bradley
Research Associate
Akshay Manchanda
Undergraduate Student
Brittany Kondo
Graduate Student — MSc
Daniel Earley
Undergraduate Student
Erik Paluka
Graduate Student — MSc
Gabrielle Perez Dias
Graduate Student — MSc
Jessica Zipf
Graduate Student — PhD
Jonathan Perry
Undergraduate Student
Kalev Kalda Sikes
Intern and Undergraduate Student
Mario Velazquez
Undergraduate Student, Lab Coordinator
Meng-Wei (Daniel) Chang
Graduate Student — MSc
Michael Lombardo
Undergraduate Student
Mona Hosseinkhani Loorak
Graduate Student — PhD
Pablo Valenzuela
Graduate Student – MSC
Prateek Panwar
Graduate Student – MSc
Rafael Veras
Graduate Student — PhD
Rhys Agombar
Undergraduate Student
Riley Weagant
Graduate Student – MSC
Santiago Bonada
Undergraduate Student
Stephen McIntyre
Graduate Student — MSc
Taurean Scantlebury
Senior Honours Undergraduate Student
Taylor Smith
Undergraduate Student
Thao Truong
Undergraduate Student
Tommaso Elli
Graduate Student — PhD
Vital Golub
Undergraduate Student
Zachary Cook
SurfNet Intern/Undergraduate Student
Zachary Hills
Software Developer
Chris Kim
Graduate Student – PHD
Hrim Mehta
Graduate Student – PhD
Feiyang Wang
Graduate Student – MSC
Kevin Desousa
Graduate Student
Shawn Yama
Undergraduate Student
Nathan Beals
Undergraduate Student
Deval Panchal
Undergraduate Student
Anthony Kouroupis
Undergraduate Student
Ethan Duggan
Lab Coordinator, Undergraduate