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Jessica Zipf

Graduate Student — PhD

I’m a Ph.D. student in linguistics at the University of Konstanz, Germany. In my Ph.D. project, I develop a Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) tool for Italian. For that, I am implementing a Grammar of Italian, using the framework of Lexical-Functional Grammar (LFG), that integrates a Finite-State Lexicon. Currently, I am working on a conjugation trainer for Italian verb morphology using said Finite-State transducer to create a large verb database. This project is a joint effort with Mariana Shimabukuro under the supervision of Christopher Collins and part of a research visit here at Ontario Tech.
Apart from Grammar Engineering and CALL, I am also interested in theoretical issues of Italian. These include second and/or foreign language learning, question formation and the interaction between the structure of questions and their information structural content.


If you would like to contact me, please email me at


  • M. Shimabukuro, J. Zipf, M. El-Assady, and C. Collins, “H-Matrix: Hierarchical Matrix for Visual Analysis of Cross-Linguistic Features in Large Learner Corpora,” in Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Information Visualization (short papers), 2019.


    author = {Mariana Shimabukuro and Jessica Zipf and Mennatallah El-Assady and Christopher Collins},
    title = {H-Matrix: Hierarchical Matrix for Visual Analysis of Cross-Linguistic Features in Large Learner Corpora},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Information Visualization (short papers)},
    year = 2019

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