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Mariana Shimabukuro

Graduate Student – PhD

I am a Ph.D. student in Computer Science, and my current project relates to educational applications.

I got my Masters of Science degree from the Computer Science program supervised by Dr. Christopher Collins at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology in 2017. My Masters project is titled “An Adaptive Crowdsourced Investigation of Word Abbreviation Techniques for Text Visualizations” where I collected data on how people create abbreviations allowing me to design an abbreviation algorithm.

I have some experience in the industry where I worked with natural language processing (NLP) regarding extraction of named entity recognition (NER) in the context of law cases corpora in Portuguese.

I have also worked with educational technologies applied to introducing programming techniques using robotics. During my undergraduate studies, I joined a group called GISDI, which develops applications for mobile robotics in an educational environment. This environment is taken to schools where programming lessons are given.

While still in university for my undergraduate degree, I was granted a scholarship by the Brazilian government,  named Science Without Borders. Through this scholarship, I was able to spend my third year of undergraduate studies in Canada at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology – UOIT. As an exchange student, I attained a summer position at vialab and started working on my word abbreviation studies.

In 2015, I graduated from the University of State of Sao Paulo – UNESP in Brazil as top of my class in 2015 with a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science.

In my spare time, I like going to the gym; lifting weights, building muscle and doing some HIIT cardio. Well, I try to be as fit as I can. Once I am a food lover, I work out hard so I can eat more.


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You can also find me on LinkedInlattes.


  • M. Shimabukuro and C. Collins, “Cross-Linguistic Word Frequency Visualization for PT and EN,” in Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Information Visualization (Poster), 2019.


    author = {Mariana Shimabukuro and Christopher Collins},
    title = {Cross-Linguistic Word Frequency Visualization for PT and EN},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Information Visualization (Poster)},
    year = 2019

  • M. Shimabukuro, J. Zipf, M. El-Assady, and C. Collins, “H-Matrix: Hierarchical Matrix for Visual Analysis of Cross-Linguistic Features in Large Learner Corpora,” in Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Information Visualization (short papers), 2019.


    author = {Mariana Shimabukuro and Jessica Zipf and Mennatallah El-Assady and Christopher Collins},
    title = {H-Matrix: Hierarchical Matrix for Visual Analysis of Cross-Linguistic Features in Large Learner Corpora},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Information Visualization (short papers)},
    year = 2019

  • E. Alexander, C. Chang, M. Shimabukuro, S. Franconeri, C. Collins, and M. Gleicher, “Perceptual Biases in Font Size as a Data Encoding,” IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol. 24, iss. 8, pp. 2397-2410, 2017.


    title={Perceptual Biases in Font Size as a Data Encoding},
    author={Eric Alexander and Chih-Ching Chang and Mariana Shimabukuro and Steven Franconeri and Christopher Collins and Michael Gleicher},
    publisher={TVCG Journal},
    journal = {IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics},
    ISSN = { 1077-2626 },
    volume = 24,
    Number = {8},
    Pages= { 2397–2410},

  • M. Shimabukuro, “An Adaptive Crowdsourced Investigation of Word Abbreviation Techniques for Text Visualizations,” Master Thesis, 2017.


    title={An Adaptive Crowdsourced Investigation of Word Abbreviation Techniques for Text Visualizations},
    author={Mariana Shimabukuro},

  • M. Shimabukuro and C. Collins, “Abbreviating Text Labels on Demand,” Proc. of IEEE Conf. on Information Visualization (InfoVis), 2017.


    author = {Mariana Shimabukuro and Christopher Collins},
    title = {Abbreviating Text Labels on Demand},
    journal = {Proc. of IEEE Conf. on Information Visualization (InfoVis)},
    series = {Poster},
    address = {Phoenix, USA},
    year = 2017,
    note = {Poster Paper}

  • M. Shimabukuro and C. Collins, “Abbreviating Text Labels on Demand,” Proc. of IEEE Conf. on Information Visualization (InfoVis), 2017.


    author = {Mariana Shimabukuro and Christopher Collins},
    title = {Abbreviating Text Labels on Demand},
    booktitle = {Proc. of IEEE Conf. on Information Visualization (InfoVis)},
    series = {Poster},
    address = {Phoenix, USA},
    year = 2017,
    note = {Poster}

  • E. Alexander, C. Chang, M. Shimabukuro, S. Franconeri, C. Collins, and M. Gleicher, “The Biasing Effect of Word Length in Font Size Encodings,” Proc IEEE Information Visualization (InfoVis), Posters, 2016.


    author = {Eric Alexander and Chih-Ching Chang and Mariana Shimabukuro and Steven Franconeri and Christopher Collins and Michael Gleicher},
    title = {The Biasing Effect of Word Length in Font Size Encodings},
    booktitle = { Proc IEEE Information Visualization (InfoVis), Posters },
    series = {Poster},
    note = {Honorable Mention for Best Poster},
    year = 2016

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