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Chris Kim

Graduate Student – PHD

Chris Kim is a graduate student at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology, currently pursuing a doctoral degree in Computer Science. His main research interests include art-science collaborations, issues of appropriation and originality, and models of the creative process.

A graduate of Ryerson University’s Radio and Television Arts program and the subsequent master’s degree program, Chris has been working in collaboration with a variety of Canadian and international institutions including Ryerson University, Bell Media, and Oxfam International as a digital media consultant. His personal projects also have been recognized on campus as well as in the industry via numerous awards, publications, and exhibitions.

With an affinity for a minimalist approach to motion and web design, Chris concurrently works as a freelance web consultant for numerous clients, while teaching various digital media courses at OCAD University and Ryerson University.

An avid listener of jazz and bossa nova music, Chris finds inspiration from works of artists like Paul Rand, Saul Bass, and Piet Mondrian – and strives to achieve a balance between form, function, and context.


  • C. K. Kim, C. Collins, U. Hinrichs, and S. M. Mohammad, “Lexichrome: Text Construction and Lexical Discovery with Word-Color Associations Using Interactive Visualization,” 2020.


    author = {Chris K Kim and Christopher Collins and Uta Hinrichs and Saif M Mohammad},
    title = {Lexichrome: Text Construction and Lexical Discovery with Word-Color Associations Using Interactive Visualization},
    series = {Designing Interactive Systems(DIS)},
    month = {July},
    year = {2020},
    publisher = {ACM},

  • C. Kim, X. Lin, C. Collins, G. W. Taylor, and M. R. Amer, “Learn, Generate, Rank, Explain: A Case Study of Visual Explanation by Generative Machine Learning”, ACM Trans. Interact. Intell. Syst., vol 11, no 3–4, Aug 2021.


    author = {Kim, Chris and Lin, Xiao and Collins, Christopher and Taylor, Graham W. and Amer, Mohamed R.},
    title = {Learn, Generate, Rank, Explain: A Case Study of Visual Explanation by Generative Machine Learning},
    year = {2021},
    issue_date = {December 2021},
    publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
    address = {New York, NY, USA},
    volume = {11},
    number = {3–4},
    issn = {2160-6455},
    url = {},
    doi = {10.1145/3465407},
    journal = {ACM Trans. Interact. Intell. Syst.},
    month = aug,
    articleno = {23},
    numpages = {34},
    keywords = {model-generated explanation, trust and reliance, Explainable artificial intelligence, user study}

  • C. Kim, “A Modular Interface Framework for Multimodal Annotations and Visualizations in Human-AI Collaboration,” PhD Thesis, 2021.



    author={Chris Kim},

    title={A Modular Interface Framework for Multimodal Annotations and Visualizations in Human-AI Collaboration},

    school={University of Ontario Institute of Technology},



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