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Vialab to present two EuroVis papers

We are pleased to announce that this month, Vialab members will be publishing two new papers:

“ConToVi: Multi-Party Conversation Exploration using Topic-Space Views” was lead by PhD student Mennatallah El-Assady, detailing a visual analytics approach to analyze speaker behavior patterns in conversations. It is intended to assist political science scholars in exploring the dynamics of a conversation over time using glyph-based representations.

“PhysioEx: Visual Analysis of Physiological Event Streams” was lead by PhD student Rishikesan Kamaleswaran. PhysioEx is a visual dashboard for multiple physiological data streams. By combining a Temporal Intensity Map with several other coordinated visualizations, this system is intended to assist clinical researchers in the field of neonatal medicine.

ConToVi and PhysioEx will be published in the Computer Graphics Forum, volume 35, number 3, and presented at Eurovis 2016 in Groningen.

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